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  • Can you explain the differences in the puppy's coat types?
    What we see today is a puppy's "baby coat" and can change when they become an adult. Long coat dachshunds have long, silky hair. The long hair is most noticeable on the tail, ears, neck and behind the legs, and beneath the tummy. We usually run a brush through their coats about once a week. The smooth dachshunds coat is soft, short, shiny and dense. Very little grooming is required for the smooth coat choice. Finally the last coat type is the wired haired dachshund. This coat is not as soft and silky, but rather rough and briskly. The wire coat dachshunds do not shed! And requires the same brushing of the coat about once a week if needed! The best way to get the coat you want is to choose a puppy with a coat you like! The coat you see at 4 weeks is just a glimpse of what is happening. By 8 weeks, their coat will be much longer, usually getting pretty fluffy and some dachshunds will have a beautiful wave to their coats or they may keep the straight coat!
  • Can you explain the puppy's coat color?
    One of the things we look forward to with each litter is seeing what coat colors arrive! Dachshunds come in a variety of colors and patterns, including red, shaded red, black & tan, brindle, shaded cream, cream, sable, dapple and piebald to just to name a few! The shaded reds and the shaded creams colors coats can lighten up as they grow. The most common colors for dachshunds are red, black & tan and chocolate.
  • I have a gender preference because I think they make a more loving companion. Is that true?
    When it comes to trainability, compatibility, disposition, or how loving your puppy will be.... the answer is no. Preferences often come because of a preconceived "thought" that one is better than the other for certain reasons. We haven't found that to be true when the puppy has been spayed/neutered at 6-7 months. The miniature dachshund by nature is comical, friendly and loyal and with proper love and training make a perfect companion - no matter which gender they are. What about marking territories or acting out aggressions? Both genders will act out (to them - it's a flirt) in these ways when they havent been spayed/neutered. Spaying and neutering your pet increases your pets' chances for a longer, healthier life!
  • What does a typical day look like for the puppies?
    The first few weeks are 100% sleep, eat, repeat! Eyes open around 2 weeks old. Mama keeps them clean and stays very close to them. Between weeks 2-4, we see the puppies try out their legs (very cute and wobbly) and try to become mobile. By 4 weeks they are pretty good at those wobbly legs and will start sniffing out toys, water, and food dishes. Mamas keep their puppies very clean until around 4 1/2 to 5 weeks old.
  • What types of socialization will my puppy experience before they come home?
    We practice what is called ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) also known as Puppy Culture or the Super Dog Program. They are all variations of the same concept: stimulating the puppys neuro systems responses earlier than would happen on their own. We have found that these exercises help each puppy handle stress much easier! Other benefits include stronger heartbeats, adrenal glands, greater resistance to disease, and more tolerance to stress. We perform the ENS during the first 2 weeks of life and continue with sound and texture stimulation as well as so much socialization throughout their first few months of life! Some examples of our socialization are handling each puppy, including more cuddling, petting, and talking to each puppy. We also like to hold a few scheduled playtimes per week so each puppy continues to get the individual attention he/she deserves! At the playtimes, they will be played with, held, talked to, and very loved!
  • Will their personality change much after they come home? How do I be sure I choose the right puppy for me or my family?
    Yes! Puppy personalities are really only developing and showing themselves at about 6 weeks of age all the way to week 18! Its a very special time to have your new pup, bond, and begin your training together while you watch your baby grow into the special dog he/she will become. A lot of choosing the "right" puppy, begins with the right breed! A few of the things we can control are good beginnings, good parenting, and good environment. When a miniature dachshund puppy is the right breed for you, we truly believe the influence, love, and training you give him/her will set your puppy up to be the best possible family member!!
  • When will the puppies be weaned?
    Between 6 -7 weeks they grow much more confidant, getting very interested in eating kibble with their mama, drinking water, playing with toys, and totally weaned by week 7. At that time, mom will go back with her other friends and the littermates remain together in their playpen. If the weather is nice enough, they will be interested in taking several potty breaks outside like their mama has shown them. We will place an open-door crate in their playpen with them and they will naturally sleep together in a heap, in their dark, cozy crate.
  • What is the Potty Situation for my puppy?
    Until about week 4 to 5, mama still cleans them up. Yucky, but true! After that, she starts encouraging them to keep their sleep, play and eating areas clean and to potty on the potty trays. They are really pretty good at this by weeks 5-6. This environment teaches puppies naturally to keep their play/sleep space clean, and potty in a designated area. This helps them transition to their new home because they have always had a clean, dry space for sleep/play and a separate area for potty.
  • What can I be doing to prepare for my puppy?
    Review my shopping list and New Puppy Info page. Have a designated place for the puppy to call his/her own (I recommend this to be inside of an exercise pen, with their crate inside of that pen). Puppies do not need very much room at all and will need a small area to feel is their own for the first weeks. We recommend Baxter and Bella Puppy Training School online or seek out a trainer and classes and ask questions and opinions. They might have a little different approach and will be an excellent resource for you, too. If this is your first puppy, we strongly encourage you to take a puppy classes from Baxter and Bella or seek out a trainer to grow your own confidence and set up for success!
  • Please be sure to read the "New Puppy Info" Tab for more great info :)
    These questions are mostly to try and answer the most commonly asked questions during the choosing process. I'm always more than happy to answer your questions individually, too!
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