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~ Puppy Love ~
Cuteness Overload!


The Cavapoo
Friendly and upbeat, comical and courageous the dachshund is one of Americas top 10 breeds. You probably know them for their distinct long-bodied, short legged appearance! Fiercely loyal and lively the dachshund creates a strong bond with its family and will wear your lap out! They enjoy traveling and being right by your side, a built in companion for life. Dachshunds are hunting hounds, they love to use their brains to search for hidden items, run and play. You can expect your miniature dachshund to be easily recognized, comical and he wont know a stranger! The average size miniature dachshund is under 14 lbs. A half a dog high and a dog and a half long the dachshund is one of the best breeds around!
~ Puppy Love ~
Just a few of our past puppies



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